Satisfactory Academic Progress
The Student Advocacy Center can assist students who need help understanding SAP or who are preparing appeals to regain financial aid eligibility.
The Ohio State University is required by federal law to establish reasonable standards for monitoring students' progress towards a degree. All students who receive student financial aid required to meet the Satisfactory Academic Progress ("SAP") standards in order to be eligible for Title IV funding as well as state and institutional, need-based financial aid programs. If a student who is receiving financial aid falls below the minimum standards by the end of Spring semester (or does not meet the conditional standards set), they will be ineligible for financial aid in future terms and may appeal.
In order to be eligible to receive financial aid, students must meet all of the following standards:
- A required, minimum, cumulative GPA
- A satisfactory cumulative completion rate (or "A cumulative percentage of classes attempted and then successfully completed" This number is negatively affected by W, E, EN# and U)
- Remaining under the maximum time frame (or "hours required to complete degree requirements.")
Because many students rely on financial aid in order to attend Ohio State, it is critical that they remain in SAP compliance to preserve their aid. If a student is not meeting one or more of the requirements, they may appeal for conditional eligibility while they work to regain SAP compliance.
For more information, visit the Office of Student Financial Aid.