Office of Student Life


Help With Academics & Enrollment

The Student Advocacy Center offers general advising related to academic areas: personal circumstances, instructor complaints, grade grievances, withdrawals, dismissal/reinstatement, and a variety of other issues.  For more detailed examples of how we can help, visit the subsections to the left of this page.  

We also can connect you with answers and resources if you have questions about enrollment deadlines, procedures, holds, and other issues.

If you have questions about academic, enrollment, or a combination of issues, please contact our office for assistance. 

Instructor Notifications

Instructor notifications have changed!

Students: We ask that students who are ill, or who have experienced a loss in their family, and are unable to attend classes as a result please communicate directly with professors and consult syllabi to understand absence, make-up, and documentation policies. In an emergency situation (such as a significant family emergency, prolonged hospitalization, and/or times where students are unable to access email) we may notify instructors of these circumstances. Please reach out to us if you have questions or if you need additional support. 

Faculty:  We ask that students not be required to work with our office in order to communicate, document, or validate absences related to general illnesses or funerals.  We do remain available for you to refer students with broader-reaching concerns and will notify instructors of absences when students are hospitalized or are otherwise unable to make contact for themselves due to a significant and outstanding concern.  

Help With Appeals & Petitions

Some of our most commonly used services involve appeals and petitions for a variety of issues. See the links to the left of this page to read more or contact us regarding:

  • Grade Grievances
  • Petitions to request a withdrawal 
  • Petitioning a dismissal, or request reinstatement
  • SAP Appeals (financial aid, Satisfactory Academic Progress)
  • Denial of residency application
  • Appeal of Student Conduct outcome, suspension, or dismissal 
  • Academic Misconduct (COAM) Appeals

We are happy to provide information and advising on many university policies and procedures. Please contact us for assistance, even if your situation doesn't fall into the short list on this page.