Office of Student Life

Academic Misconduct

Students who are involved in potential cases with the Committee on Academic Misconduct (COAM) can expect to hear from the COAM office with information about how to proceed. There is no guaranteed time frame, but cases involving graduating seniors are handled with urgency.

Some important things to know about COAM issues:

  • Students who are accused of academic misconduct are assumed to be not in violation until the case is resolved.
  • Even after an instructor reports a student for a possible violation, the student is allowed to continue the course without prejudice. If the case has not been resolved before the end of the term, a grade of Incomplete is assigned until the outcome is reached.
  • COAM exists so that possible violations may be addressed consistently and impartially. Instructors are expected to report possible violations to the committee to ensure proper handling of such issues.

The Student Advocacy Center can speak with you generally about questions, but only provides detailed assistance to students regarding appeals, following their outcomes.  (Students who are dissatisfied with the outcome of their case may contact our office for assistance with the appeal process.)

Students are encouraged to visit the COAM website's informative Frequently Asked Questions section.