Office of Student Life

Student Advocacy Center

Dismissal & Reinstatement

There are several types of dismissals that may occur at Ohio State.

Students who do not meet the expectations of their particular colleges may be dismissed from a program of study or major. Under these circumstances, it is typical for a student to identify a new major and continue working toward a degree.

If students do not meet the terms of an academic probation, they run the risk of being dismissed from the univeristy completely. Students may be reinstated after an academic dismissal, provided they attend another institution and can demonstrate academic success before seeking readmission.  The published university deadlines for submitting a request for reinstatement for academic dismissal are:

  • Autumn Semester deadline: June 1st
  • Spring Semester deadline: October 1st
  • Summer Term deadline: February 1st

When students are dismissed for conduct or disciplinary reasons, they are typically entitled to an appeals process within 10 days of the outcome.  The Student Advocacy Center often consults with students who need assistance with the appeals process through the Office of Student Conduct and the Committee on Acadmic Misconduct.  

Feel free to contuct us if you have questions about dismissal, reinstatement, or appeals.